Halloween is here so time for a little naked scream queens and horror movie hotties homage. Hopefully, it’ll have your pumpkin spitting seeds! Ok, ok, enough with the smutty innuendos. Let’s get down to the ghoulish goodies …
Horror Legend Elvira, Mistress Of The Dark Shows Her Sweet Candy Apples
She became the kooky host of Movie Macabre. The cable TV show paid her just a few hundred bucks a week to host a cheap B-movie horror show. She ended up pretty much the most recognizable face of the horror movie scene. The character Cassandra Peterson helped create was Elvira, Princess Of The Darkness. She was something of a tribute to Morticia of the Addams Family. Elvira was not quite a witch, not quite a vampire – just ghoulishly goth with an awesome chest. As herself, Elvira star Cassandra used her past exotic dancer experience to good effect, playing a stripper in the 1974 movie The Working Girls.
Naked Scream Queens – Linnea Quigley

Linnea Quigley is one of the hardest working scream queens out there. Her bra straps and panty elastic are especially hard-worked in her many horror movie appearances. If Linnea gets through a slasher flick fully clothed, something went badly wrong!
Busty Kelly Monaco Halloween Nudity
Busty scream queen Kelly Monaco is all dressed up in Halloween make-up here for the movie Idle Hands. It’s a tongue in cheek zombie flick which features Devon Sawa and a young Jessica Alba alongside Kelly Monaco’s ample dumplings.
Naked Scream Queens – Michelle Bauer

Scream queen Michelle Bauer has played them all. Chainsaw wielding nuns. Flesh chomping zombies. Oversexed vampire seductresses. Horror movie hookers. And invariably, she is shedding her skimpies doing it. Just the way we like it!
Horror Movie Hottie Tiffany Shepis Nude

Horror movie hottie Tiffany Shepis is one of the hardest working naked scream queens. She’s yelped herself hoarse, died a hundred macabre deaths and shed a thousand drawers of sexy underwear all for our perverted entertainment. What a girl!
Horror Nude Classics – Click For Sissy Spacek In Original Version Of Carrie
Halloween Homage To … Well, The Epic Halloween Movie Franchise

Let’s kick this tribute to the Halloween movie franchise off with one of serial killer Michael Myers’ first victims. P J Soles (who also makes a sexy appearance in horror movie classic Carriedelivers us the pleasant surprise of some nudity as she meets her sticky end.
Original Scream Queen Jamie Lee Curtis

Although she never showed naked skin in any of her four Halloween movie appearances, Jamie Lee Curtis consistently remains one of the most adored scream queens. The term was pretty much invented after the success of her performance as Laurie Strode in John Carpenter’s original Halloween movie. Jamie Lee kept us waiting to see her luscious titties. But it was well worth the wait in classic nude scenes for movies like Trading Places and Grandview, USA.